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Lullaby - Tristan
Love - Relationships
New Activation List!
The new activations are named after the characters
of the Book That Writes Itself, depending on the qualities that activate you!
*** The images below are indicative.
The activation can be done on any jewel you choose
The activation of the Lord of Pleiades
You activate the universe to tune in with your Twin Flame.
Its qualities will help you become that version of yourself that will bring you close to her!

The activation of the Medallion ship
You start activating the connection with the
Your Twin Flame... in the etheric realm!
The appearance of...
Will you recognize her?
*** There must have been at least one month of activation of the Lord of the Pleiades
Hypnotic activation
It helps you
to experience Lucid Dreaming!
Activating Maya
Activate your Intuition
Listening to your Higher Self
it gets easier!
Darkelf's activation
The hero's journey begins...
Do you lack confidence?
Activating Darkelf will definitely help!
The activation of the Touathan
For the dark night of the soul and sorrow. You will never suffer again.
Sorrow will be a thing of the past for you.
Daniel's activation
Spontaneity is the most necessary thing
for fulfillment and happiness!
Activating Daniel, will bring back the frequencies of spontaneity
in your life!
Like back then... when you were a kid!
The activation of Lord Sirius
Recognizing and distinguishing between different actions is key. A video, an article with the wrong energy, can pollute your energy and etheric body.
Bring the discernment of energies into your life!
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